Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Get Your Blog Listed in Google News

Your post must include author name, date of publication, and should be well-categorized (easy for a blog!) The title should not exceed the limit of 25 words. Article URL’s should be unique and look static

One solution that can pay off immensely is getting your blog listed in Google News. Google news is constantly updated with latest stories that have a news hook. If you get your blog listed, it will provide you with good exposure and coverage, and will also boost targeted traffic to your site.

Ok.. Here are the top tips for getting your blog picked up by Google News:
  • Create an About Us Page:
    This is a must for Google News. Talk about the organization of your company and the goal of your site. You need to have at LEAST two bloggers on your site, who blog frequently.
  • Create a Contact Us Page;
    Another must. Provide clear and concise (and legitimate) contacct information!
  • Create Original/Fresh Content:
    Google News likes to new original and new content, along with news related posts.
  • Define Your Industry:
    Your Homepage/Logo should clearly state what industry segment you cover (enterainment, sports, finance, etc.).
  • Format Your Posts Properly:
    Your post must include author name, date of publication, and should be well-categorized (easy for a blog!) The title should not exceed the limit of 25 words. Article URL’s should be unique and look static.
  • Post Frequently:
    You want to shoot for three updates a day, minimum. The whole point of being in Google News is to have timely information and this requires frequent posts!
  • Don’t Write Too Short:
    Too short of posts (less than 200 characters) seem to be filtered out.
Once you’re ready, submit your blog for inclusion!

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