Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Get Your Blog Listed in Google News

Your post must include author name, date of publication, and should be well-categorized (easy for a blog!) The title should not exceed the limit of 25 words. Article URL’s should be unique and look static

One solution that can pay off immensely is getting your blog listed in Google News. Google news is constantly updated with latest stories that have a news hook. If you get your blog listed, it will provide you with good exposure and coverage, and will also boost targeted traffic to your site.

Ok.. Here are the top tips for getting your blog picked up by Google News:
  • Create an About Us Page:
    This is a must for Google News. Talk about the organization of your company and the goal of your site. You need to have at LEAST two bloggers on your site, who blog frequently.
  • Create a Contact Us Page;
    Another must. Provide clear and concise (and legitimate) contacct information!
  • Create Original/Fresh Content:
    Google News likes to new original and new content, along with news related posts.
  • Define Your Industry:
    Your Homepage/Logo should clearly state what industry segment you cover (enterainment, sports, finance, etc.).
  • Format Your Posts Properly:
    Your post must include author name, date of publication, and should be well-categorized (easy for a blog!) The title should not exceed the limit of 25 words. Article URL’s should be unique and look static.
  • Post Frequently:
    You want to shoot for three updates a day, minimum. The whole point of being in Google News is to have timely information and this requires frequent posts!
  • Don’t Write Too Short:
    Too short of posts (less than 200 characters) seem to be filtered out.
Once you’re ready, submit your blog for inclusion!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Mesothelioma Cancer

In severe cases of Mesothelioma Cancers, the person may have many tumor masses. The individual may develop a pneumothorax, or collapse of the lung in extreme situations. The malignant Mesothelioma cancers might also metastasize, or spread, to other parts of the body causing other malignant cancers in other organs or body parts.

Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is highly correlated to the previous high exposure With Mesothelioma Cancers, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium which is a protective fine lining or sac that covers the organs inside the body.

Most of the Mesothelioma Cancer develop near or at the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and chest cavity), but it may also occur in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity) or the pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart).

Generally, the majorities of people who develop mesothelioma cancers have had or are working in jobs where they are exposed to asbestos particles thus inhaling it. Secondary exposure can also occur to those who are in contact with the substance too such as those who wash the clothes of family members to work with asbestos or even being exposed to renovations where old asbestos based roof linings or cement is removed and dust forms.

The problem with all types of Mesothelioma Cancer are that most signs will not appear until 20 to 50 years after harmful exposure to asbestos. The time in which it takes for the first mesothelioma symptoms to present is what makes this cancer particularly harmful. Often if the patient exhibits symptoms, the Mesothelioma cancer would have progressed so far that treatment proves to be extremely difficult.

There are several types of Mesothelioma Cancers, each with its own specific symptoms and signs. For Pleural Mesothelioma, shortness of breath, excessive coughing, and pain in the chest due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space are often signs of the affliction. As a consequence of this the patient will normally suffer from acute shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness and deep coughing.

Another type of Mesothelioma Cancer is Peritoneal Mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and cachexia, abdominal swelling and pain due to ascites (a buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity). Other possible symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include excessive bowel disturbance and occasional obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever. If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body then these severe stage will show symptoms like pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face.

In severe cases of Mesothelioma Cancers, the person may have many tumor masses. The individual may develop a pneumothorax, or collapse of the lung in extreme situations. The malignant Mesothelioma cancers might also metastasize, or spread, to other parts of the body causing other malignant cancers in other organs or body parts.

Additionally, in severe cases of Mesothelioma Cancers, the following signs and symptoms may be present indicating the advanced stages:
  • blood clots in the veins, which may cause thrombophlebitis;
  • disseminated intravascular coagulation, a disorder causing severe bleeding in many body organs;
  • jaundice, or yellowing of the eyes and skin;
  • low blood sugar level;
  • pleural effusion;
  • pulmonary emboli, or blood clots in the arteries of the lungs;
  • severe ascites.
In addition to giving you the required information about mesothelioma and how to live with it we can also give you contacts to specialized mesothelioma lawyers and mesothelioma attorneys where you can start your claims process for your personal injury.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Secret Blunder That Sank the Titanic

The RMS Titanic was the world's biggest passenger liner when it left Southampton, England, for New York on its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912. Four days into the trip, the ship hit an iceberg and sank, taking more than 1,500 passengers with it.

The Titanic hit an iceberg in 1912 because of a basic steering error, and only sank as fast as it did because a crew member persuaded the captain to continue sailing, an author said in an interview published on Wednesday.

Louise Patten, a writer and granddaughter of Titanic second officer Charles Lightoller, said the truth about what happened nearly 100 years ago had been hidden for fear of tarnishing the reputation of her grandfather, who later became a war hero.

Lightoller, the most senior officer to have survived the disaster, covered up the error in two inquiries on both sides of the Atlantic because he was worried it would bankrupt the ill-fated liner's owners and put his colleagues out of a job.

"They could easily have avoided the iceberg if it wasn't for the blunder," Patten told the Daily Telegraph.
"Instead of steering Titanic safely round to the left of the iceberg, once it had been spotted dead ahead, the steersman, Robert Hitchins, had panicked and turned it the wrong way."

Patten, who made the revelations to coincide with the publication of her new novel "Good as Gold" into which her account of events are woven, said that the conversion from sail ships to steam meant there were two different steering systems.

Crucially, one system meant turning the wheel one way and the other in completely the opposite direction.

Once the mistake had been made, Patten added, "they only had four minutes to change course and by the time (first officer William) Murdoch spotted Hitchins' mistake and then tried to rectify it, it was too late."

Patten's grandfather was not on watch at the time of the collision, but he was present at a final meeting of the ship's officers before the Titanic went down.

There he heard not only about the fatal mistake but also the fact that J. Bruce Ismay, chairman of Titanic's owner the White Star Line persuaded the captain to continue sailing, sinking the ship hours faster than would otherwise have happened.

"If Titanic had stood still, she would have survived at least until the rescue ship came and no one need have died," Patten said.

The RMS Titanic was the world's biggest passenger liner when it left Southampton, England, for New York on its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912. Four days into the trip, the ship hit an iceberg and sank, taking more than 1,500 passengers with it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Adobe Releases Photoshop Premiere Elements 9 & Elements 9

Get everything you need for your photos and videos and the convenience to do so much more. Use Guided Edits to create stunning pop art, reflection, and portrait effects. Quickly share photos and videos on Facebook; in Online Albums; and in printed photo books, cards, calendars, and more that look just the way you want. And now enjoy a complete solution for photos whether you use Windows or Mac.

Adobe Systems has released the latest versions of its popular image and video editing applications, Photoshop Elements 9 and Premiere Elements 9.

Offered as standalone products or as a single retail package, the Photoshop Elements 9 and Premiere Elements 9 are available for both Windows and Macintosh operating systems. Both applications are built around the cores of Adobe's professional products and enable video and photography hobbyists to experience some of the features the professionals use.

The combined Photoshop Elements 9 and Premiere Elements 9 pack is on sale now through the Adobe Australia Store  and authorised distributors for an RRP of $202.73. Each application is also offered separately for $135 (RRP). 

For more information, visit www.adobe.com. Free training videos on Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements, can be downloaded from Adobe TV at http://tv.adobe.com.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Depending on the type of mesothelioma, slightly different symptoms can occur. Peritoneal disease has an effect on the intestines, liver and other structures in the abdominal cavity. As fluid builds up, the abdomen can become very expanded. Because the liver plays a big part in......

Mesothelioma Symptoms
Mesothelioma develops many years after exposure to asbestos. Sometimes, it may be 30 to 40 years before symptoms occur. Unfortunately, in the early stages of the disease, symptoms may be vague or not noticeable. Thus, if you have been exposed to asbestos in the past, even for a very brief time, it’s important to have regular check-ups to detect any lung abnormalities, even if you don’t have symptoms.

Benign lung disease, such as asbestosis is common in people who have been exposed to asbestos. The symptoms can be very similar, and only a complete medical exam can provide an accurate diagnosis.

Early detection of mesothelioma allows doctor to use more effective and more powerful treatments. For this reason, you should watch carefully for any of the symptoms of mesothelioma.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma may include:

* Coughing
* Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
* Difficulty Sleeping
* Weight Loss
* Pain in chest and abdomen
* Fluid in the chest

Mesothelioma Symptoms
Usually, difficulty breathing and a lingering cough bring patients into the doctor for evaluation. This occurs because tumors of the mesothelium make if hard for the lungs to expand smoothly. Large tumors, or tumors that spread to the chest wall can cause chest pain. When fluid builds up in the pleura, breathing can be even more difficult while lying down, making it hard to sleep. The spread of cancerous cells takes a toll on your body, causing weakness, extreme fatigue. Changes in your body’s ability to absorb nutrients as a result of invasion into the abdomen can cause weight loss. If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, symptoms may include pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face.

Depending on the type of mesothelioma, slightly different symptoms can occur. Peritoneal disease has an effect on the intestines, liver and other structures in the abdominal cavity. As fluid builds up, the abdomen can become very expanded. Because the liver plays a big part in manufacturing the substances needed to control bleeding, there is often a change in your ability to make blood clots. Weight loss occurs for several reasons, and is more dramatic in this form of the disease. 

The pleural form of mesothelioma can also cause damage to the upper airway. Swallowing can become difficult, and voice changes can occur if the larynx is affected.

Specific symptoms of Peritoneal mesothelioma:

* Weight loss
* Abdominal pain
* Buildup of fluid in the abdomen
* Bowel obstruction
* Abnormal blood clotting
* Abdominal mass
* Fever

Specific symptoms of Pleural Mesothelioma:

* Pain in the lower back
* Pain in the side of chest
* A persistent cough
* Shortness of breath
* Husky voice
* Difficulty swallowing
* Fever

Regardless of the location, malignant mesotheliomas occur in three forms. The epithelioid type is the most common, accounting for 50-70% of all mesotheliomas. Between 20-35% of mesotheliomas are sarcomatoid. The remaining 7-20% of tumors are classified as mixed/biphasic. Epithelioid mesothelioma has the best outlook for survival.

If your symptoms suggest you may have mesothelioma, you doctor will order a number of tests. Imaging studies like X-rays, CT scans and MRI show any abnormalities within the lungs. A complete blood count and levels of specific proteins can help make the diagnosis. However, the diagnosis of mesothelioma cannot be made by blood work and imaging studies in every case. Other more common diseases such as benign asbestos-related pleural disease and metastatic adenocarcinoma can have very similar appearances on imaging studies. Biopsy, and the use of special staining are often necessary for the accurate diagnosis of mesothelioma.

Promising studies on the early detection of mesothelioma may soon provided more accurate methods for diagnosis. If you have these warning signs you should consultant a qualified medical professional immediately. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

What is Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a very aggressive form of cancer.  Mesothelium also lines the male and female reproductive organs. mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos. In mesothelioma, the cells of the mesothelium become cancerous and grow out of control. Mesothelioma is a serious and rare form of lung cancer.

Mesothelioma is a serious and rare form of lung cancer.  It is most frequently seen in men between the ages of 50 to 70. Women are affected far less frequently. In the US, between 2000 and 3000 cases are diagnosed each year.  Estimates suggest that the incidence of mesothelioma for every 100,000 in the US is about 1.8 and 0.9 internationally.  This form of cancer affects people of every race equally. The number of people who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma has increased significantly in the past 30 years.  Although many advances in treatment have been made, there is no cure for this type of cancer. 

In mesothelioma, the cells of the mesothelium become cancerous and grow out of control. The mesothelium is a protective, two-layered membrane that covers the internal organs of the body including the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. Between these layers, the cells produce fluid, which allows easy movement of the heart and lungs within the chest cavity.  The layer that covers the lungs is called the pleura, and the layer that covers the heart is called the pericardium. The peritoneum lines the abdominal cavity.  Mesothelium also lines the male and female reproductive organs.   Mesothelioma can affect any of these cells, but is usually seen in the pleural or peritoneal mesothelium. The most common form of mesothelioma is pleural. 
Mesothelioma - cancer

The primary risk factor for developing mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. Between 70-80% of people diagnosed with mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos, usually in the workplace.  Although it is possible to develop mesothelioma without any exposure to asbestos, it is very rare. While one person for every million people in the US will be diagnosed with mesothelioma, about 7-13 men who have been exposed to asbestos will be diagnosed with the disease. Symptoms frequently take 20 years to develop, but can take as long as 50 years to occur.  

When cancerous cells invade the mesothelium, it becomes increasingly difficult to breathe.   In the pleural form of mesothelioma, tumors growing in the mesothelium cause pleural effusions, which prevent the smooth movement of the lungs and other organs in the chest.  Peritoneal mesothelioma invades the abdominal cavity and can cause loss of appetite weight loss, nausea and vomiting.  Most patients seek medical care after having symptoms only 4-6 months. 

Mesothelioma is a very aggressive form of cancer.  Because it takes so long for symptoms to appear it can spread to the other organs in the chest, the chest wall and into the lymph nodes. The cancerous cells spread, or metastasize from the mesothelium into other parts of the body and damage internal tissues and organs.  Treatment is more effective when the disease is detected early. 

Treatment is aimed at reducing the size of tumors, and relieving symptoms.  Chemotherapy, radiation treatment and surgery are some of the traditional treatment strategies used to help patients live longer, with fewer symptoms.  New advances in photodynamic therapy and immunotherapy give hope for prolonging the lives of patients with mesothelioma.  On average, however, the life expectancy after being diagnosed with mesothelioma is less than one year.

Fred The Movie

Fred The Movie stars 17 year old Internet sensation Lucas Cruikshank from Nebraska who got his start by making popular videos on YouTube.

Tonight is the big Nickelodeon premiere of the much-awaited film that teens all over the Internet have been waiting for, according to Spread It.

Fred The Movie stars 17 year old Internet sensation Lucas Cruikshank from Nebraska who got his start by making popular videos on YouTube.  

Cruikshank created the character “Fred Figglehorn” back in 2008 when he began posting crazy clips of himself as a very active kid with a pretty annoying voice.  

After hitting it big on YouTube, he was contacted by Nickelodeon about making a movie for the channel based off his YouTube character.

The movie airs tonight and will be available on DVD October 5, 2010.
Fred The Movie

Friday, September 17, 2010

Victoria Beckham Collection

No fuzz, no spectacle, just an enjoyable occasion to watch the newest creations which Victoria Beckham refers to saying: ” I wanted to focus on shapes and curves and I looked at the art of Brancusi

Victoria Beckham makes a statement with her new collection:” I want to celebrate a woman’s curves. I love a woman’s body and I want to make women feel and look fantastic”, said the ex-Spice Girl on US TV show The View. She seems to be much more interested in fashion than in going back to stage performances. Victoria Beckham turned to a designer career after a successful musical journey with Spice Girls. She now tries to improve her style with every collection she shows off.

As the designer explains, the color palette is of utmost importance as she wants women to feel special and to draw a certain type of attention on what they are wearing. Posh Spice is known to have several bag collections from famous designers. Their value is said to be around 2 million dollars. Although she is very confident in her designing skills and her impact on women, Victoria Beckham wouldn’t give up her favorite Hermes or Birkin Bag:” I have enormous respect and admiration for Hermes. I will not be trading in my Birkin! However, I will be carrying my own line of handbags as well”.

The international superstar presented her collection for spring/summer 2011 this week and the show was opened by a line of handbags. Beckham’s collection is defined by elegance and style. No fuzz, no spectacle, just an enjoyable occasion to watch the newest creations which Victoria Beckham refers to saying: ” I wanted to focus on shapes and curves and I looked at the art of Brancusi”.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hollywood weighs in on fat people

"People in the movie business still want actresses who are idealized versions of women," veteran casting director Jane Jenkins said. "I think that adage that you can never be too rich or too thin still applies in Hollywood. The plus-size actress today would be a size 6 or a size 8."

Forget about all those scary-skinny stars -- fat is making a comeback in Hollywood. (Hollywood Reporter)

Like ABC's "The Bachelor," which spawned a spate of reality dating shows, NBC's "The Biggest Loser" has hatched a ton of weight-loss look-alikes. There's "Celebrity Fit Club" on VH1, "Too Fat for Fifteen: Fighting Back" on Style, "Obese" and "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" on ABC and "Thintervention" on Bravo. All feature contestants sweating, whining, quitting and reflecting.

And in a nod to "The Honeymooners," "Roseanne" and more recently "The King of Queens," the new TV season brings us "Mike & Molly," a Chuck Lorre sitcom on CBS that features plus-size stars Melissa McCarthy and Billy Gardell as regular (read overweight) people who meet at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting.

"Nobody cannibalizes better than Hollywood," said J.D. Roth, co-creator of "Biggest Loser" who also produces "Obese" and is prepping "What's Eating You" for E! "As soon as something is working, there has to be 40 of them immediately. More is better."

"Thintervention," a recent entry into the weight-loss sweepstakes, garnered a respectable 1.2 million viewers in its premiere Monday. The show stars Jackie Warner, the high-powered fitness trainer from another Bravo show, "Workout." Like "Biggest Loser," "Thintervention" follows real folks who work out with Warner and attempt to lose 25-100 pounds.

"I think all these weight-loss shows are great," Warner said. "I love (Oxygen's) 'Dance Your Ass Off.' Those people have such joy in what they're doing. I think America has to have the information. I can't believe how confused America is about weight loss."

Dave Ehlers, managing director of branded-entertainment outfit ZenithOptimedia, said all the weight-loss shows provide "excellent vehicles" for advertisers targeting individuals who seek a healthier lifestyle.
Roth said "Biggest Loser" proved a hard sell at first.

"I had people say that fat people aren't attractive and that nobody wants to see fat people on television," he said. "I said, 'Well, do you know anyone who is fat?' 'Oh yeah,' they said, 'my mother is, my sister and brother is.' So, I told them that if everyone in this room knows someone who's in that situation, isn't that your audience?"

Roth knew what he was talking about. The National Center for Disease Control reports that 17% of kids and 34% of adults in the U.S. are overweight.

Despite the glut of similar fare, the popularity of "Biggest Loser" hasn't waned, and the show holds up when facing such ratings juggernauts as "American Idol" and "So You Think You Can Dance." The eighth cycle premiered with 10.4 million viewers, its best performance to date.

"I do think that more and more people are focusing on weight as an issue and walls are being torn down; ratings have something to do with it," said Chad Bennett, vp brand development and production for "Biggest Loser" producer Reveille.

"Too Fat for Fifteen," which focuses on overweight teenagers, has attracted an average of 215,000 viewers, 50% more than Style's primetime average. The show stems from a documentary the cable network ran last year about Georgia Davis, dubbed "Britain's fattest teenager," and her attempt to shed serious pounds at Wellspring Academy in North Carolina.

"The way we tell these stories about real kids who have these weight issues is realistic. You're not going to see an immediate result," said Katie Buchanan, vp programing at Style. "The viewers can relate to the length of the journey and the highs and lows. Our network is all about transformation."

McCarthy, who spent 10 years on "Gilmore Girls," said she signed on for "Mike & Molly" because she was intrigued by the script's humor and its realism.

"It flips it back to the shows I grew up with like 'All in the Family' and 'Barney Miller' that all had people that looked like you," she said. "Everything wasn't so bionic. I liked this script because it allowed you to lose yourself in that world, because it was so real. Everybody didn't have a brand-new coat everyday or talk about having no money and walk in with a brand-new Mark Jacobs bag."

Mark Roberts, who executive produces "Mike & Molly" with Lorre, said the show is not necessarily about two overweight people -- it's about an ordinary couple who fall in love and the obstacles they confront each day.

"I wanted to do something with real people," he said. "People in most sitcoms live very unrealistic lives. Back in the days of Norman Lear, you had real people on television. We're hoping that real people with real issues are going to come back in style."

Despite the plethora of these shows, make no mistake: In Hollywood, thin always will be in.
"People in the movie business still want actresses who are idealized versions of women," veteran casting director Jane Jenkins said. "I think that adage that you can never be too rich or too thin still applies in Hollywood. The plus-size actress today would be a size 6 or a size 8."

Said Warner: "It's heart-breaking because everyone ends up succumbing to this overly thin image. The Kardashians were these voluptuous, curvy sisters who ended up succumbing to the image and losing weight."

Facebook gets movie treatments as social media hits high

"You've got to protect yourself," said Schulman. "Everyone has different intentions."
Ironically for an actor portraying the man now in charge of Facebook in "Social Network," Eisenberg himself is not a Facebook user, nor does he ever plan to be.

Facebook hits the silver screen this fall with two movies coming out within weeks of each other at a time when social media is at an all-time high.

Independent documentary "Catfish" and glitzy Hollywood feature "The Social Network" couldn't be more different. But both could very well be two sides of the same coin.

"We've gotten to a point where it's time to reflect on it," said "Catfish" filmmaker Ariel Schulman.
"'The Social Network' shows us how we got here. 'Catfish' shows us where we're at."

Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the world with over 500 million active users. Sites like MySpace, microblogging site Twitter, and Tumblr are also thriving, creating an intricate online world where everything from dating websites to video game communities have users who put their personal lives out on public display.

As "Catfish" illustrates, not everyone on these sites is who they say they are.

"Catfish", which opens in U.S. theaters on Friday, follows Nev Schulman, a photographer who falls in love with a girl on Facebook. Over time, their romance blossoms and they begin to text and talk on the phone.
When Nev, his brother Ariel and their friend Henry discover some startling revelations, they set off on a road trip to meet the girl in person.

"The Social Network," arrives on October 1, with a pedigree that includes Oscar-nominated David Fincher directing from a screenplay by the four-time Emmy Award winning Aaron Sorkin.

The film is based on Ben Mezrich's book "The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal." Chief executive Mark Zuckerberg, now 26, is played by Jesse Eisenberg.

"It's interesting that these two movies are coming out at the same time," said Schulman, who directed "Catfish" with Henry Joost.

"We are however many years in to the social networking phenomenon and I think it has hit a tipping point," he said.

Schulman, along with Joost, shot his brother Nev's 2008 real-life romance and road trip to visit the girl of his dreams. He felt there is now a sort of "collective subconscious" around Facebook.
Schulman likens social networks to a "collection of avatars" where users put up "ideal versions of themselves" for others to see.

"We each play the role of our own personal publicist that way," he noted, cautioning that because of that, "you can't go online naively."

"You've got to protect yourself," said Schulman. "Everyone has different intentions."
Ironically for an actor portraying the man now in charge of Facebook in "Social Network," Eisenberg himself is not a Facebook user, nor does he ever plan to be.

"If you're in a public setting like (actors) are, you come to really value your privacy," he said.
However, Eisenberg is quick to point out that it's not "the medium that's the danger, it's the people using the medium" and that's why he's chosen to stay off it.

Though Nev Schulman says he doesn't feel completely protected from his "Catfish" situation happening again, he says he has no regrets about his Facebook romance.

"I ended up going on a great life experience with my brother and my dear friend Henry," said Nev Schulman.
What was real, were the life lessons that came with all that.

"I now have a better understanding of what I thought I wanted, what I really want and what's important insofar as my relationships with friends and family," he said. "This experience has allowed me to grow and change for the better."

Concert promoter sued over Michael Jackson death

Michael Jackson's mother and his three children filed a wrongful death lawsuit on Wednesday against the promoters of a series of planned concerts by the singer before his death last year.

The civil lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court by Katherine Jackson, accuses promoter AEG Live of "putting its desire for massive profits" over the health and safety of the "Thriller" singer.

It said that AEG was liable for the actions of Jackson's personal doctor and alleged that the promoter had failed to provide proper life-saving equipment for Jackson.

"AEG's action and inactions led to Michael Jackson's death on June 25, 2009," the lawsuit said, accusing the promoter of negligence, breach of contract and fraud.

A spokesman for privately held AEG Live, a subsidiary of the Anschutz Entertainment Group, said he had not seen the lawsuit and could not comment.

Jackson died of cardiac arrest at age 50 in Los Angeles in June 2009 after returning from rehearsals just days before the planned start of 50 London concerts.

Los Angeles coroner's officials have ruled Jackson's death a homicide and said he died mainly from a powerful anesthetic used as a sleep aid, as well as other sedatives and painkillers.

"The purpose of this lawsuit is to prove to the world the truth about what happened to Michael Jackson, once and for all," Katherine Jackson's lawyer Brian Panish said in a statement.

The singer's personal physician Dr Conrad Murray, who was hired by AEG Live, has pleaded not guilty to a charge of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death and is awaiting trial in Los Angeles.

Jackson's family have previously expressed disappointment at the criminal charge against Murray, saying it does not go far enough. The singer's father Joe in June filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Murray but did not name AEG.

Kenny Ortega, director of the planned "This is It" series of concerts, was also named as a defendant in Wednesday's lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages.

The suit claims that Jackson appeared drugged and disoriented at rehearsals in the days before his death and that on June 24 he was shivering. AEG, it claimed, was aware of his condition but did not postpone any rehearsals or alter his "grueling schedule."

The civil action also seeks damages for emotional distress on behalf of Jackson's oldest son, Prince Michael, who the lawsuit said had witnessed his father injured and dying and "has suffered great trauma and severe emotional distress."

Jackson's sudden death caused a worldwide outpouring of grief and sent sales of his many hit records soaring after a career slump that had followed the entertainer's 2005 trial and acquittal on charges of molesting a young boy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Earth Alerts Software

Windows-based application
Earth Alerts is a Windows-based application that allows you to monitor in near real-time a variety of natural hazard events that are occurring anywhere around the world. Alert notifications, reports, and imagery provide the user with a convenient way to view natural phenomenon as they occur, whether close to home or some far-flung corner of the globe.Earth Alerts includes basic weather tracking features such as National Weather Service alerts, current conditions, local forecasts and radar/satellite imagery.

Download here : http://download.cnet.com/Earth-Alerts/3000-18555_4-10782633.html?tag=mncol

Earth Alerts is a Windows-based application that allows you to monitor in near real-time a variety of natural hazard events that are occurring anywhere around the world. Alert notifications, reports, and imagery provide the user with a convenient way to view natural phenomenon as they occur, whether close to home or some far-flung corner of the globe.Earth Alerts includes basic weather tracking features such as National Weather Service alerts, current conditions, local forecasts and radar/satellite imagery.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

NetQin Mobile Antivirus

NetQin Mobile Antivirus
Virus Scan
The scan engine of NetQin Mobile Antivirus employs cutting-edge technologies which ensure that the software will effectively identify and eliminate viruses. Once you click on Virus Scan, the software will capture and delete any virus detected.

Real-time Monitoring
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Network Firewall
Network Firewall enables you to detect and disconnected any insecure internet connection and make your mobile phone entirely under your control. With the protection of Network Firewall, you can monitor and control your mobile phone connection to the internet and block an application from accessing the internet without your awareness.

System Manager
The System Manager helps you manage applications, auto-start processes and optimize your mobile phone’s system - making your mobile phone easier to use.

Okay... Download here : http://www.brothersoft.com/mobile/netqin-mobile-anti-virus-4539.html

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11, 2001 - Timeline for the Day of the Attacks

Day of the Attacks
Department of Defense (6/1/01) and FAA (7/12/01) procedure: In the event of a hijacking, the FAA hijack coordinator on duty at Washington headquarters requests the military to provide escort aircraft. Normally, NORAD escort aircraft take the required action. The FAA notifies the National Military Command Center by the most expeditious means.

If NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) hears of any difficulties in the skies, they begin the work to scramble jet fighters [take off and intercept aircraft that are off course]. Between Sep 2000 and June 2001 fighters were scrambled 67 times.. When the Lear jet of golfer Payne Stewart didn’t respond in 1999, F-16 interceptors were quickly dispatched. According to an Air Force timeline, a series of military planes provided an emergency escort to Payne’s stricken Lear about 20 minutes after ground controllers lost contact with his plane.

8:20 AM (approx.): Air traffic controllers suspect Flight 11 has been hijacked..

8:40 AM: NORAD is notified of hijacking..

8:46 AM: Flight 11 crashes into the WTC (World Trade Center) north tower. [approximately 26 minutes after controllers lost contact].

8:46 AM: President Bush later states, "I was sitting outside the classroom and I saw an airplane hit the tower. The TV was on.”. “When we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building.” . There was no live coverage of the first crash on TV and President Bush was in a classroom reading with children at the time of the second crash. How could he forget this?

8:52 AM: Two F-15s take off from Otis Air Force Base.. They go after Flight 175. Major General Paul Weaver, director of the Air National Guard, states "the pilots flew like a scalded ape, topping 500 mph but were unable to catch up to the airliner. We had a nine-minute window, and in excess of 100 miles to intercept 175,'' he said. ''There was just literally no way.'' . F-15's fly at up to 2.5 times the speed of sound [1875 mph or 30+ miles a minute or 270+ miles in nine minutes] and are designed for low-altitude, high-speed, precision attacks. .

8:56 AM: By this time, it is evident that Flight 77 is lost. The FAA, already in contact with the Pentagon about the two hijackings out of Boston, reportedly doesn’t notify NORAD of this until 9:24, 28 minutes later. [see 9:10 AM for comparison,.

9:03 AM: Flight 175 crashes into the south WTC tower. [23 minutes after NORAD notified, 43 minutes after air traffic control lost contact with pilots]

9:10 AM: Major General Paul Weaver states Flight 77 came back on the (radar) scope at 9:10 in West Virginia. Another report states the military was notified of Flight 77 several minutes after 9:03. 

9:24 AM [? – see above]: The FAA, who 28 minutes earlier had discovered Flight 77 off course and heading east over West Virginia, reportedly notifies NORAD. A Pentagon spokesman says, "The Pentagon was simply not aware that this aircraft was coming our way."  Yet since the first crash, military officials in a Pentagon command center were urgently talking to law enforcement and air traffic control officials about what to do.

9:28 AM: Air traffic control learns that Flight 93 has been hijacked.

9:38 AM: Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon. [42 minutes or more after contact was lost, one hour after NORAD notification of first hijacking]

9:59 AM: The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses.

10:10 AM: Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania. [42 minutes after contact was lost, 90 minutes after NORAD notification of first hijacking. What happened to sophisticated military radar systems and jet fighter scramble procedures? ]

10:28 AM: The World Trade Center north tower collapses.

5:20 PM: Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapses. Though the media claims fires brought the building down, the building's owner Larry Silverstein later recounts the story of the collapse of this 47-story skyscraper in a PBS documentary America Rebuilds, "I remember getting a call from the fire department commander. ... I said ... maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it. And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse."

Sept 11, 2001: Did the Air Force send up planes after the hijacked aircraft? The Air Force won't say. It says they keep about 20 F-15 and F-16 fighters on duty with Air National Guards along the nation's coastline, ready to inspect unknown aircraft entering U.S. airspace. "We can scramble and be airborne in a matter of minutes," said an Air Force spokesperson. Some airline pilots are wondering whether the FAA did enough to try to prevent the crashes.

Sept 11, 2001: Six air traffic controllers who dealt with two of the hijacked airliners make a tape recording describing the events, but the tape is later destroyed by a supervisor without anyone making a transcript or even listening to it.

Sept 11, 2001: Hours after the attacks, a "shadow government" is formed. Key congressional leaders say they didn’t know President Bush had established this government-in-waiting. Some Congressmen state the administration should have conferred about its plans.
Sept 11, 2001: A National Public Radio correspondent states: "I spoke with Congressman Ike Skelton who said that just recently the director of the CIA warned that there could be an attack – an imminent attack – on the United States of this nature. So this is not entirely unexpected." 

Sept 12, 2001: Senator Orrin Hatch says the US was monitoring bin Laden supporters and overheard them discussing the attack. Why has the media not explored the fact that the US could monitor private communications of al-Qaeda on 9/11?

Sept 13-19, 2001: Members of bin Laden's family are driven or flown under FBI supervision to a secret assembly point in Texas and then to Washington, where they leave the country on a private plane when most flights were still grounded. Top White House officials personally approve these evacuations

Sept 14, 2001: The two black boxes for Flight 77 are found.  FBI Director Robert Mueller later says Flight 77's data recorder provides altitude, speed, headings and other information, but the voice recorder contains “nothing useful.” Yet they refuse to release the recordings.

Sept 15-16, 2001: U.S. military sources give the FBI information that several of the 9/11 hijackers, including leader Mohamed Atta, may have received training at U.S. military installations. Three hijackers listed their address on drivers licenses and car registrations as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla. Atta graduated from the US International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. The media drops the story after the Air Force issues a statement saying that while the names are similar, "we are probably not talking about the same people."  Yet the military provides no detailed information to refute the claims in these articles.
Sept 19, 2001: The FBI claims that there may have been six hijacking teams on the morning of 9/11.  Authorities have identified teams that total as many as 50 infiltrators who supported or carried out the strikes. About 40 of the men have been accounted for.  Yet only one person, Moussaoui, is later charged.

Sept 20-23, 2001: "Five of the alleged hijackers have emerged, alive, innocent and astonished to see their names and photographs appearing on satellite television. ... The hijackers were using stolen identities, and investigators are studying the possibility that the entire suicide squad consisted of impostors."  Yet these same individuals are later officially established as the 9/11 hijackers in the 2004 9/11 Commission Report. 

Oct 2, 2001: The Patriot Act is introduced in Congress. The next day, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D) accuses the Bush administration of reneging on an agreement on this anti-terrorist bill. Anthrax letters are sent to Leahy and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D) on October 9.

Oct 10-11, 2001: After consulting with the FBI and CDC, Iowa State University in Ames destroys anthrax spores collected over seven decades. On Oct 25, the White House homeland security director confirms publicly the anthrax letters sent to Leahy and others contained the Ames strain.

Nov 12, 2001—Mar 25, 2002: 13 renowned microbiologists mysteriously die over the span of less than five months. All but one are killed or murdered under unusual circumstances. Some are world leaders in developing weapons-grade biological plagues. Others are the best in figuring out how to stop millions from dying because of biological weapons. Still others are experts in the theory of bioterrorism. Nov 12: Benito Que, 52, an expert in infectious diseases—killed in carjacking, later deemed possible stroke.  Nov. 16: Don Wiley, 57, one of the world's leading researchers of deadly viruses—body found in Mississippi River.  Nov 21: Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, 64, an expert in adapting germs and viruses for military use—stroke.  Dec 10: Dr. Robert Schwartz, 57, a leading researcher on DNA sequencing analysis—slain at home. Dec 14: Nguyen Van Set, 44, his research organization had just come to fame for discovering a virus which can be modified to affect smallpox—dies in an airlock in his lab. [Sydney Morning Herald, 12/12/01] Jan 2002: Ivan Glebov (bandit attack) and Alexi Brushlinski (killed in Moscow), both world-renowned members of the Russian Academy of Science. [Pravda, 2/9/02] Feb 9: Victor Korshunov, 56, head of the microbiology sub-faculty at the Russian State Medical University—killed by cranial injury. [Pravda, 2/9/02] Feb 11: Ian Langford, 40, one of Europe's leading experts on environmental risk—murdered in home. [London Times, 2/13/02] Feb 28 (2): Tanya Holzmayer, 46, helped create drugs that interfere with replication of the virus that causes AIDS, and Guyang Huang, 38, a brilliant scholar highly regarded in genetics—murder/suicide. [San Jose Mercury News, 2/28/02] Mar 24: David Wynn-Williams, 55, an astrobiologist with NASA Ames Research Center—killed while jogging. [London Times, 3/27/02] Mar 25: Steven Mostow, 63, an expert on the threat of bioterrorism—private plane crash. [KUSA TV/NBC, 3/26/02]

Dec 2001: The US engineers the rise to power of a former Unocal Oil employee, Hamid Karzai, as the interim president of Afghanistan. Looking at the map of the big US bases in Afghanistan, one is struck that they are identical to the route of the projected oil pipeline.

Dec 25, 2001: Leading structural engineers and fire-safety experts believe the investigation into the collapse of the WTC is "inadequate.” They note that the current team of 20 or so investigators has inadequate financial and staff support, has been prevented from interviewing witnesses and from examining the disaster site. They couldn’t even get detailed blueprints of the World Trade Center. The decision to rapidly recycle the steel beams from the WTC means definitive answers may never be known. [New York Times, 12/25/01] 

Jan 1, 2002: Zalamy Khalilzad is appointed by Bush as special envoy to Afghanistan. [BBC, 1/1/02, Chicago Tribune, 3/18/02] Khalilzad once lobbied for the Taliban and worked for an American oil company that sought concessions for pipelines in Afghanistan. [Independent, 1/10/02] 

Jan 4, 2002: An editorial in the respected trade magazine Fire Engineering states that there is good reason to believe that the "official investigation," blessed by FEMA, into the WTC collapse is a "half-baked farce" that may already have been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests are clearly not full disclosure. "Respected members of the fire protection engineering community are beginning to raise red flags, and a resonating theory has emerged: The structural damage from the planes and the explosive ignition of jet fuel in themselves were not enough to bring down the towers." [Fire Engineering, 1/02]

Jan 24, 2002: Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle claims that on this day Cheney calls him and urges that no 9/11 inquiry be made. He is repeatedly pressured thereafter. [Newsweek, 2/4/02,]

Feb 6, 2002: CIA Director Tenet tells a Senate hearing that there was no 9/11 intelligence failure. When asked about the CIA on 9/11, he states that the 9/11 plot was "in the heads of three or four people." He rejects any suggestion that the CIA failed to do its job. [USA Today, 2/7/02]

Feb 21, 2002: A ban on poppy growing by the Taliban in July 2000 along with severe droughts reduced Afghanistan's opium yield by 91% in 2001. Yet the UN expects its 2002 opium crop to be equivalent to the bumper one of three years ago. Afghanistan is the source of 75% of the world's heroin. [Guardian, 2/21/02] Why is the US unable to control opium production which had almost stopped?

Mar 2, 2002: The 9/11 collapse of the 47-story WTC building 7 was the first time a modern, steel-reinforced high-rise in the US has ever collapsed in a fire. [New York Times, 3/2/02] Building 7 was where the SEC was storing files related to numerous Wall Street investigations. The files for approximately 3,000 to 4,000 cases were destroyed. [National Law Journal, 9/17/01] Lost files include documents that could show the relationship between Citigroup and the WorldCom bankruptcy. [The Street, 8/9/02, ]

Mar 13, 2002: Bush says of bin Laden: "I truly am not that concerned about him." [White House, 3/13/02] Military chief Myers states: "the goal has never been to get bin Laden." [CNN/DOD, 4/6/02]

Apr 19, 2002: FBI Director Mueller: "We have not uncovered a single piece of paper that mentioned any aspect of the 9/11 plot. The hijackers had no computers, no laptops, no storage media of any kind." [FBI, 4/19/02, Los Angeles Times, 4/30/02] Yet investigators have amassed a ''substantial'' amount of e-mail traffic among the hijackers. [USA Today, 10/1/01] The laptop computer of Moussaoui, the alleged 20th hijacker, was confiscated weeks before 9/11, yet FBI headquarters systematically dismissed and undermined requests by Minneapolis FBI agents to search the computer. [Time, 5/21/02, CNN, 5/27/02]

May 15, 2002: For the first time, the White House admits that Bush was warned about bin Laden hijacking aircraft and wanting to attack the US in Aug 2001. It is unclear why they waited eight months to reveal this. The Press Secretary states that while Bush had been warned of possible hijackings, "the president did not receive information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide bombers." Yet the August presidential memo left little doubt that the hijacked airliners were intended for use as missiles and that US targets were intended. [New York Times, 5/16/02, Washington Post, 5/16/02, Guardian, 5/19/02]

May 17, 2002: Dan Rather says that he and other journalists haven't been properly investigating since 9/11. He graphically describes the pressures to conform after the attacks. [Guardian, 5/17/02,]

May 21, 2002: A memo is released in which Minnesota FBI agent Coleen Rowley writes to FBI Director Mueller, “I have deep concerns that a delicate and subtle shading/skewing of facts by you and others at the highest levels of FBI management has occurred and is occurring.” [Time, 5/21/02] CNN calls the memo a "colossal indictment of our chief law-enforcement agency." [CNN, 5/27/02] Time magazine later names Rowley one of three "Persons of the Year" for 2002. [Time, 12/22/02]

May 23, 2002: President Bush says he is opposed to establishing a special, independent commission to probe how the government dealt with terror warnings before 9/11. [CBS, 5/23/02] 

May 30, 2002: FBI Agent Robert Wright formally accuses the FBI of deliberately curtailing investigations that might have prevented 9/11. He is under threat of retribution if he talks to members of Congress about what he knows. [Fox News, 5/30/02, ] He also accuses the agency of shutting down his 1998 criminal probe into alleged terrorist-training camps in Chicago and Kansas City. Wright has written a book, but the agency won't let him publish it or even give it to anyone. [LA Weekly, 8/2/02]

July 23, 2002: The New York City government decides that many of the audio and written records of the Fire Department's actions on 9/11 should never be released. The New York Times had filed a lawsuit seeking numerous records concerning the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, including firsthand accounts by scores of firefighters and chiefs. [New York Times, 7/23/02]

Sept 11, 2002: On the first anniversary of 9/11, New York Times writes, "One year later, the public knows less about the circumstances of 2,801 deaths at the foot of Manhattan in broad daylight than people in 1912 knew within weeks about the Titanic." The former police commissioner of Philadelphia says: "You can hardly point to a cataclysmic event in our history when a blue-ribbon panel did not set out to establish the facts and suggest reforms. That has not happened here." [New York Times, 9/11/02]

Oct 5, 2002: Congressional investigators say the FBI's efforts to block their inquiry makes them skeptical of FBI assertions. They also say the Justice Department has joined the FBI in fighting congressional requests for information, while the CIA has been antagonistic. [New York Times, 10/5/02]

Oct 16, 2002: The CIA, FBI, and NSA all testify that no individual at their agencies has been punished or fired for any of the missteps surrounding the Sept. 11 attacks. [Washington Post, 10/18/02]

Oct 21, 2002: No more than six of the 19 hijackers were interviewed by US officials before being granted visas. This contradicts the State Department’s claim that 12 had been interviewed. Of 15 hijackers, none filled in the visa documents properly. All 15 of them should have been denied entry to the country. “The system was rigged in their favor from the get-go.” [Washington Post, 10/22/02, ABC News, 10/23/02] In December 2002, two top Republican senators report that if State Department personnel had merely followed the law in Saudi Arabia, 9/11 would not have happened. [AP, 12/18/02, ]

Oct 27, 2002: A report from Defense Secretary Rumsfeld's Defense Science Board recommends the creation of a super-intelligence body (P2OG) which would launch secret operations to “stimulate reactions” among terrorists and states owning weapons of mass destruction. It would prod terrorist cells into action, thus exposing them to quick-response attacks by US forces. [Los Angeles Times, 10/27/02, ] 

Oct 29, 2002: Of over 800 people rounded up since 9/11, only 10 have been linked to the hijackings and probably will turn out to be innocent. [Newsweek, 10/29/02] Though many were held for months, the vast majority were never charged with anything other than overstaying a visa. [New York Times, 7/11/02]

Nov 27, 2002: Bush names Henry Kissinger to lead an independent investigation into the 9/11 terrorist attacks. [New York Times, 11/28/02] He is a highly controversial figure. Documents released by the CIA strengthen suspicions that Kissinger was actively involved in a covert plan to assassinate thousands of political opponents in six Latin American countries. He is also famous for his obsession with secrecy. [BBC, 4/26/02] "Indeed, it is tempting to wonder if the choice of Mr. Kissinger is not a clever maneuver by the White House to contain an investigation it long opposed." [New York Times, 11/29/02]

Dec 13, 2002: Kissinger resigns as chairman of the new 9/11 investigation citing controversy over potential conflicts of interest with his business clients. [CNN, 12/13/02, BBC, 12/14/02]

Dec 16, 2002: Bush replaces Kissinger with Thomas Kean as chairman. Kean promises a thorough investigation. [AP, 12/17/02] He will devote one day a week to the commission. [Washington Post, 12/17/02] 

Jan 13, 2003: The worldwide turmoil caused by US government policies goes not exactly unreported, but entirely de-emphasized. Guardian writers are inundated by e-mails from Americans asking why their own papers never print what is in UK papers. If there is a Watergate scandal lurking in this administration, it is unlikely to be [Washington Post's Bob] Woodward or his colleagues who will tell us about it. If it emerges, it will probably come out on the web. "That is a devastating indictment of the state of American newspapers." [Guardian, 1/13/03]

March 26, 2003: Though the investigation into the space shuttle Columbia tragedy cost $50 million and the Ken Starr investigation of Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky ran $64 million, the White House balks at increasing funding beyond $3 million for the 9/11 Commission's investigation into the worst terror attack ever. The latest effort to curtail funding has angered victims of the attacks. "The White House decision was another in a long line of efforts to water down or shrink the panel's role." [Time, 3/26/03, MSNBC, 9/20/06] 

July 22, 2004: The 9/11 Commission Report is published. It fails to mention that a year before the 9/11 attacks, a secret Pentagon project named Able Danger had identified four 9/11 hijackers, including leader Mohamed Atta. The Commission spokesperson initially states members were not informed of this, but later acknowledges they were. [New York Times, 8/11/05,] The report also completely fails to investigate the collapse of WTC 7.
Nov 19, 2004: The fear that Afghanistan might degenerate into a narco-state is becoming a reality. Afghanistan has surpassed Colombia as the world's biggest gross producer of illicit narcotics, heroin being the "main engine of economic growth" and the "strongest bond" among tribes that previously fought constantly. What we have here now is a narco-economy where 40 to 50 percent of the GDP is from illicit drugs. [San Francisco Chronicle, 11/19/04] How does a country controlled by the US become the largest producer of illegal drugs? 

Nov 17, 2005: Former FBI Director Louis Freeh: "The Able Danger intelligence, if confirmed, is undoubtedly the most relevant fact of the entire post-9/11 inquiry. Yet the 9/11 Commission inexplicably concluded that it 'was not historically significant.' This astounding conclusion—in combination with the failure to investigate Able Danger ... raises serious challenges to the commission's credibility and, if the facts prove out, might just render the commission historically insignificant itself." [Wall Street Journal, 11/17/05,] 

2004 - 2005: A growing number of top government officials and public leaders express disbelief in the official story of 9/11. Some even believe 9/11 may have been an inside job. 100 prominent leaders and forty 9/11 family members sign a statement calling for an unbiased inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the attacks to occur. [Various Publications] 

August 9, 2006: A shocking new book by the 9/11 Commission co-chairmen Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton says we still don't know the whole truth about 9/11. The book outlines repeated misstatements by the Pentagon and the FAA. Untrue—the military's original timeline of United Flight 93. Equally untrue, the government's timeline for American Flight 77 and details about fighter jets scrambled to intercept it. CNN News anchor Lou Dobbs: "The fact that the government would permit deception ... and perpetuate the lie suggests that we need a full investigation of what is going on." [CNN, 8/9/06 , MSNBC/AP, 8/4/06,] 

2006-2009: Over 50 senior government officials from the military, intelligence, Cabinet and Congress, and over 100 highly respected professors, including engineers, physicists, architects, philosophers and theologians publicly criticize The 9/11 Commission Report as flawed, and call for a new, independent investigation. Some even claim rogue elements of government were involved in the attacks.