Saturday, April 30, 2011

Android Video Chat Via Google Talk

Android Video Chat Via Google Talk ... Google says Google Talk with video/voice chat will roll out to Nexus S devices gradually over the coming weeks, as part of the Android 2.3.4 update. It will come to 2.3+ devices later

Google announced the launch of Google Talk with video and voice chat for Android phones. Apple’s FaceTime is becoming less of a unique draw to the iOS. 

“You can now video or voice chat with your friends, family and colleagues right from your Android phone, whether they’re on their compatible Android tablet or phone, or using Gmail with Google Talk on their computer,” Google explains. “You can make calls over a 3G or 4G data network (if your carrier supports it) or over Wi-Fi.”

“In your Google Talk friends list, a video or voice chat button will appear next to your contacts and you can simply touch the button to connect with them,” the company adds. “Any text chats from the person you’re talking with will be overlaid on your phone’s screen so you can read them without having to leave the video.”

That’s a nice feature that should leave the conversation in tact, particularly if you’re the type that often forgets what you were saying in the middle of conversations (especially if that conversation is spaced out over time).
“And, if you need to check something else, the video pauses automatically so you can go back to your phone’s home screen or another app,” Google adds. “The audio will keep going even though the video has paused.”

Google says Google Talk with video/voice chat will roll out to Nexus S devices gradually over the coming weeks, as part of the Android 2.3.4 update. It will come to 2.3+ devices later. 

Android Video Chat Via Google Talk

Monday, April 25, 2011

Why We Still Need Smallpox

Why We Still Need Smallpox ... Once they are ready, we intend to share the fruits of this research with the world. Destroying the virus now is merely a symbolic act that would slow our progress and could even stop it completely, leaving the world vulnerable

In a few weeks, member states of the World Health Organization will consider the destruction of the last known samples of smallpox virus, currently held in secure labs by the United States and Russia. Some have sought to publicly frame this issue as a contentious disagreement between our two countries and the rest of the world over whether the virus should be destroyed. This is misleading.

We fully agree that these samples should — and eventually will — be destroyed.

However, we also recognize that the timing of this destruction will determine whether we continue to live with the risk of the disease re-emerging through deliberate misuse of the virus by others.

Those who advocate immediate destruction would have us believe that another smallpox outbreak is unthinkable. They want us to believe that there is no need to ensure the global community is adequately prepared to deal with an outbreak and that the only risk comes from maintaining the highly secured samples. For these reasons, they argue that the World Health Assembly should set an immediate date for destruction.

It should not. Although keeping the samples may carry a miniscule risk, both the United States and Russia believe the dangers of destroying them now are far greater.

Smallpox was one of the most devastating diseases humanity has ever faced, killing more than 300 million people in the 20th century alone. The victims it didn’t kill were often left scarred and blind. But thanks to the most successful global vaccination campaign in history, the disease was completely eradicated by 1980.

At that time, the WHO called on all nations to destroy their collections of smallpox virus or transfer them to the WHO-sanctioned collections at one of two labs in Russia or the United States. The global public health community assumes that all nations acted in good faith; however, no one has ever attempted to verify or validate compliance with the WHO request.

It is quite possible that undisclosed or forgotten stocks exist. Also, 30 years after the disease was eradicated, the virus’ genomic information is available online and the technology now exists for someone with the right tools and the wrong intentions to create a new smallpox virus in a laboratory. Furthermore, there are additional pox viruses that infect humans, and while they are not likely to produce the same degree of suffering that smallpox historically inflicted, they could still be dangerous.

In other words, we’ve beaten smallpox once, but we must be ready and prepared to beat it again, if necessary.

Today, most of the world’s population has no immunity to the disease. Once it was eradicated, we stopped routine civilian vaccination for smallpox. In fact, people under the age of 30 have little or no immunity to smallpox. Should an outbreak occur, we do have effective vaccines that could be deployed to protect most Americans. But global supplies are limited and some people cannot safely use the current vaccine for medical reasons.

Fortunately, in the three decades since eradication, science has come a long way. The vaccine used until the 1970s was little different from the crude vaccine developed by Edward Jenner more than 200 years ago. Today, new technologies and advances in vaccine development exist that could allow us to produce a vaccine without the rare but dangerous side effects of the original. Globally, work is under way to develop and test these vaccines. We should not stop now.

Even with an improved vaccine, vaccination alone will not save those who have already been infected once an outbreak has begun. That is why we are also working on developing, testing and licensing effective new drugs to treat smallpox for those patients with the disease. Scientists in laboratories in a number of countries are making progress on these new antiviral drugs and alternative therapeutic agents that, in the event of a new smallpox outbreak, could control the disease’s progression and greatly reduce the risk of death.

We have more work to do before these safe and highly effective vaccines and antiviral treatments are fully developed and approved for use. Once they are ready, we intend to share the fruits of this research with the world. Destroying the virus now is merely a symbolic act that would slow our progress and could even stop it completely, leaving the world vulnerable.

Destruction of the last securely stored viruses is an irrevocable action that should occur only when the global community has eliminated the threat of smallpox once and for all. To do any less keeps future generations at risk from the re-emergence of one of the deadliest diseases humanity has ever known. Until this research is complete, we cannot afford to take that risk.

By Kathleen Sebelius U.S. secretary of health and human services. 

Why We Still Need Smallpox

Friday, April 22, 2011

Justin Bieber Photo Gallery

Justin Bieber Photo Gallery

Justin Bieber now in Indonesia to make his inaugural concert.
Justin Bieber Photo Gallery

It's Good Friday Photo Gallery


A Good Friday Photo Gallery

Good Friday is the only day in the entire year when the Church does not offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Indeed, in the early Church, today was an aliturgical day when no services were held at all. But by the 8th century, the Roman Church gathered on this day for a synaxis, a service of Scripture readings and prayers that was derived from the Sabbath services of the synagogue. To this was added the Veneration of the Cross, which came from the 4th-century liturgy of Jerusalem, in which pilgrims kissed a relic of the True Cross. And finally, monastic communities in medieval Europe added the reception of Holy Communion - a 'Mass of the Pre-Sanctified' - to the liturgy of Good Friday. Nevertheless, this remains a day on which the Holy Mass is not offered. 
It's Good Friday Photo Gallery

Monday, April 18, 2011

Galeri foto Malinda Dee

Galeri foto Malinda Dee. “Ibu Melinda sangat keberatan sekali foto-fotonya disebarluaskan,” ujar salah satu anggota kuasa hukum Melinda, Indra Sahnun Lubis.

Pelaku pembobolan rekening nasabah Citibank sebesar Rp 20 miliar, Malinda Danuardja alias Melinda Dee alias Inong Melinda merasa risih foto-foto seksinya diumbar di media massa. Ia menuding foto-fotonya yang disebarluaskan itu adalah rekayasa.

“Ibu Melinda Dee sangat keberatan sekali foto-fotonya disebarluaskan,” ujar salah satu anggota kuasa hukum Melinda, Indra Sahnun Lubis.

Menurutnya, foto-foto seksi  yang ada di sejumlah media massa itu adalah hasil rekayasa. Sehingga, ia meminta kepada pihak kepolisian untuk menindak pihak-pihak yang pertama kali menyebarluaskan foto-foto tersebut.

Seperti diketahui, Melinda Dee diduga  melakukan penggelapan  dan pencucian uang sebesar Rp 20 miliar. Ia  ditangkap di salah satu apartemen miliknya di bilangan Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (23/3) lalu.  Usai menjalami pemeriksaan, Melinda dee langsung dijadikan sebagai tersangka dan ditahan di Bareskrim Mabes Polri.
Galeri foto Malinda Dee

Briptu Norman Kamaru Photo Gallery

Briptu Norman Kamaru Photo Gallery. Personel Brimob Polda Gorontalo ini ternyata adalah sosok yang pemalu. Berikut Foto-foto Norman Kamaru, si polisi yang jago bernyanyi dan bergoyang India saat diundang oleh Tukul ke studio Trans 7 untuk tampil di acara Bukan Empat Mata bersama penyanyi dangdut ternama, Iis Dahlia.

 Silahkan lihat juga foto-fotonya Malinda Dee alias Inong
Briptu Norman Kamaru Photo Gallery

Saturday, April 16, 2011

2011 Ford Fiesta showcased in India

2011 Ford Fiesta showcased in India... The good thing is that this car now gets Japanese as also European finesse in its engineering and looks department. Even though we have test driven this car, we had mentioned that we aren’t sure if Ford would continue with the same specifications or engine options

Ford Motors today showcased the 2011 Ford Fiesta scheduled for its Indian launch. The preview of the car was in New Delhi, India’s capital. This car follows the “one product” approach that Ford is trying to build up in India. The “one product” theme is a thought by Ford that all the countries across the world where Ford products are manufactured, should get the same products. The 2011 Fiesta is the first initiative in that path. The 2011 Ford Fiesta is a bigger car than its earlier version and is said to have some of the real cool features that would take it leagues ahead of its current competition. Its competitors include the Fiat Linea, Maruti SX4, Volkswagen Vento and the Honda City. Last but not the least, the yet to be launched all new Hyundai Verna RB.

This new Ford shares its platform with the Mazda 2 however Ford have given this chassis a high rigidity along with the crisp ride and handling package that Ford cars are known for. Ford were kind enough to reveal that this car gets a 1.6 liter petrol and 1.6 liter diesel engine. The former is the same engine that can be found in the Fiesta Classic but with a bump in power to 120 Bhp. The 1.6 liter diesel motor produces 90 Bhp of power as opposed to 68 that the earlier 1.4 used to produce. The good thing is that this car now gets Japanese as also European finesse in its engineering and looks department. Even though we have test driven this car, we had mentioned that we aren’t sure if Ford would continue with the same specifications or engine options. Price was something which Ford didn’t reveal at the time of showcase. Do hit this spot again since we would be updating it once the 2011 Ford Fiesta is launched in India.

2011 Ford Fiesta showcased in India

Friday, April 15, 2011

Good Status For Facebook Updates

Good Status For Facebook Updates... If you really want to impress your friends your facebook status must be more than good, it should be a new one.wich means if you can get a new good status update then just be sure that your friends will like it...

You want to keep your facebook status a live, then you need good status for facebook, and here you will find 10 Good status for facebook, But first what is facebook status updates? they are small messages that facebook users share with their friends, when you share a facebook status, you may talk about anything you want, wether it's a a funny status update or a clever one what matters is to keep your status amusing for your friends to get good responses from them. If you really want to impress your friends your facebook status must be more than good, it should be a new one.wich means if you can get a new good status update then just be sure that your friends will like it.

Here is my list of 10 good status for facebook updates:

  1. ┣▇f͟͞a͟͞c͟͞e͟͞b͟͞o͟͞o͟͞k͟͞▇▇═─™ This drug is very efficient for cases of chronic boredom. Extra doses can lead to addiction.
  2. if only life came with a ◄◄ REW ► PLAY ▌▌PAUSE █▌STOP ►► FF
  3. U have 10 fish, 5 drown, 3 come back to life. How many fish do you have? Stop counting smart one. Fish cant Drown
  4. if u need a friend (text me) need a laugh (call me) need a hug (stop by) need money (this number is no longer in service)
  5. Nobody wished me a happy birthday today, which isn't surprising really, since it isn't my birthday.
  6. I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks.
  7. Some people say “If you can’t beat them, join them”. I say “If you can’t beat them, beat them”, because they will be expecting you to join them, so you will have the element of surprise.
  8. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
  9. A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don’t need it.
  10. Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.

Good Status For Facebook Updates

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Civil War still divides Americans -

Civil War still divides Americans - ... Republicans were also most likely to say they admired the leaders of the southern states during the Civil War, with eight in 10 Republicans expressing admiration for the leaders in the South, virtually identical to the 79 percent of Republicans who admired the northern leaders during the Civil War

CNN Associate Producer Gabriella Schwarz contributed to this report.

It has been 150 years since the Civil War began with the first shots at Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, and in some respects views of the Confederacy and the role that slavery played in the events of 1861 still divide the public, according to a new national poll.

In the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll released Tuesday, roughly one in four Americans said they sympathize more with the Confederacy than the Union, a figure that rises to nearly four in ten among white Southerners.

When asked the reason behind the Civil War, whether it was fought over slavery or states' rights, 52 percent of all Americas said the leaders of the Confederacy seceded to keep slavery legal in their state, but a sizeable 42 percent minority said slavery was not the main reason why those states seceded.

"The results of that question show that there are still racial, political and geographic divisions over the Civil War that still exists a century and a half later," CNN Polling Director Holland Keating said.

When broken down by political party, most Democrats said southern states seceded over slavery, independents were split and most Republicans said slavery was not the main reason that Confederate states left the Union.

Republicans were also most likely to say they admired the leaders of the southern states during the Civil War, with eight in 10 Republicans expressing admiration for the leaders in the South, virtually identical to the 79 percent of Republicans who admired the northern leaders during the Civil War.

The survey polled 824 adults via telephone between April 9 and April 10. The poll had a sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

 Civil War still divides Americans -

Monday, April 11, 2011

Adobe Launches Creative Suite 5.5

Adobe also made significant advances in HTML5, specifically its authoring tools and its support of jQuery mobile framework integration for browser-based content. In addition, it allows PhoneGap integration for the development of native and mobile apps....

Today, Adobe announced a new version of its popular Creative Suite software. The company has always aimed to enable Web designers and developers to produce quality products, and the new Creative Suite 5.5 Web Premium is no exception.

According to Scott Fegette, Adobe’s Senior Product Manager on the Creative Suite Web team, CS5.5 “helps Web pros work more efficiently and quickly without having to go back to school and learn a whole new slew of skills or technology.”

While CS5.5 includes updates to Adobe Flash Catalyst, Adobe Flash Builder, Adobe Device Central, and Adobe Acrobat X Pro, the biggest updates come through Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Flash Pro. Through CS5.5, both Dreamweaver and Flash Pro enhance the workflow and sharing experience for Web developers.

“We really sort of tried to gear all of our work in CS5.5 just to make it much more easier for Web professionals to either transition their existing projects, sites, and applications to a multiscreen experience, or in some cases, just literally start from scratch with a green field, dedicated mobile project,” said Fegette.
In terms of Adobe Flash Pro, CS5.5 provides a new feature called Scale Content with Stage that allows users to scale proportionately and quickly. In the past, it could take a long time for users to convert animations and movie clips. Through this feature, this same action could take a matter of seconds.

Adobe also made significant advances in HTML5, specifically its authoring tools and its support of jQuery mobile framework integration for browser-based content. In addition, it allows PhoneGap integration for the development of native and mobile apps. In other words, these improvements eliminate extra steps for developers and make their experience more seamless.

The company has also revamped its pricing and subscription models to give customers the latest versions of their software without being locked into 18-month cycles. Adobe is giving customers both long-term and short-term options with prices starting at $89 per month.

“The hope is that, literally, as soon as people get it installed and take a look at it, it’s just immediately going to feel like a natural extension of the skills they already learned,” Fegette added.

Do you use Adobe’s Creative Suite?

Adobe Launches Creative Suite 5.5

Saturday, April 9, 2011

StumbleUpon - Your Website Traffic

StumbleUpon allows you to add up to 200 friends to your contact list. For you this could mean 200 potential sales, not only initially, but also in the future. But make sure you don’t spam your contacts. Instead, think of them as associates. StumbleUpon offers an easy way for quick traffic-building. Just keep in mind that in order to make the most out of the site....

StumbleUpon - Your Website Traffic. Getting traffic for a new website can be difficult if you’re relying solely on search engines. This is because proper SEO requires a great deal of time and skill. And even then you still may not make it into the top 10 listings. So, what other alternatives are available? One of the best involves using StumbleUpon to generate traffic. Through this site webmasters can get their own following of visitors while boosting their Alexa rating. 

So, what exactly is StumbleUpon and why is it so useful for generating traffic? Basically, StumbleUpon is a social networking site where members bookmark or ‘stumble’ sites that are interesting to them. Other members see what sites got ‘stumbled’ by using StumbleUpon’s special toolbar. As they are surfing through the stumbled sites, they can give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down. 

To get your site in the StumbleUpon network, you will have to become a member and download their toolbar. From there, you will need to rate your sites. Make sure that index your sites in the appropriate category. Otherwise, your site might be seen as spam, and receive a ‘thumbs down’ by StumbleUpon visitors. Granted, you may get a few thumbs down even when you do things properly, but as long as your site is useful this shouldn’t happen too often. 

Once your site is submitted, you should start receiving traffic. However, be aware that this type of traffic may not covert in a lot of sales, since the users are passive visitors. They are not actively looking for information, like they would be on a search engine. So, you will have to include an extra incentive to drive interest to your offer. Most Internet marketers do this through opt-in pages. Through these pages visitors provide their email address, (or other information), in return for a freebie. This freebie could be an e-book or even a physical product. For example, if you’re operating an e-commerce store, you could give away one of your cheaper products. 

Anyway, with the information you obtain from the opt-in page, you could initiate email marketing or direct mail marketing. Through these forms of advertising, you establish more personal communication with your visitors. With this communication you increase the chances that you can acquire future sales. 

Speaking of personal communication, you can use this same train-of-thought with StumbleUpon’s social aspect. How is this so? Well, StumbleUpon allows you to add up to 200 friends to your contact list. For you this could mean 200 potential sales, not only initially, but also in the future. But make sure you don’t spam your contacts. Instead, think of them as associates. Approach them in a friendly manner, like you would someone at work or school. Once a relationship has been established, you can let them know about your site.
In conclusion, StumbleUpon offers an easy way for quick traffic-building. Just keep in mind that in order to make the most out of the site, you should make use of opt-in pages, rather than directly pointing visitors to your offer. Also, don’t forget to make friends while you’re stumbling. 

The 12 part E-course walks you through step by step on how to get the traffic coming to your site. This is traffic that you just put your time into, you don’t have to spend any money for it. 
StumbleUpon - Your Website Traffic

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kelly Clarkson Photo Gallery

Kelly Clarkson - American Idol Contestant.. "I might have a bit of a crush on Casey on American Idol this season," Tweeted Kelly, who has delayed her new album until September.

Kelly Clarkson Photo Gallery

Glenn Beck Leaving Fox News

Glenn Beck Leaving Fox... No one actually asked this... Actually, pie charts evolved from graphs... For the better...

When it was announced yesterday that longtime companions Glenn Beck and Fox News would be going their separate ways, a lot of people were left asking, Why?

It's common knowledge that Glenn Beck's show was facing a major advertiser problem, but as we've said many times, there's never one reason things go awry in this world. That's why God.... invented pie charts. Below we've broken down the different reasons Beck was forced to step down, so that you may have a fuller understanding of why your life has been inexorably changed

Glenn Beck Leaving Fox News

10 Wanita Yang Merubah Dada Demi Profesi

Inilah 10 wanita Yang Merubah Payudara Demi Profesi yang saya persembahkan : Victoria Beckham, Britney Spears, Malinda Dee, Tori Spelling, Vivica Fox, Lil' Kim, Tara Reid, Heidi Montag, Titi DJ.

Beberapa profesi menuntut seorang wanita untuk tampil 'lebih'. Tak hanya cukup bermodal pulasan makeup, rambut indah dan wangi parfum saja, ukuran boobs-pun jadi pertimbangan.

Oleh karena itu, sebagian wanita memutuskan melakukan breast implants, dengan satu misi 'tampil sempurna demi profesi', 10 wanita ini contohnya  :

Dengan atau tanpa breast implants, sebenarnya Posh adalah sosok wanita yang mengagumkan. Masih ingat kemunculannya pertama kali di group Spice Girl? Dalam waktu singkat lagu yang dibawakan kelompok musik asal Inggris ini mampu membius kita dan membuat kita tergila-gila. Hanya dengan sedikit pulasan makeup, lagu rancak atau sendu bernuansa cinta, dan semangat, nama mereka melejit di seluruh penjuru dunia. Bahkan, Beckham-pun dibuat jatuh cinta kepada salah satu anggotanya.
Victoria Beckham pun demikian, Posh tak pernah merasa cukup. Menurutnya, untuk tetap tampil memukau di depan fans dan media, ia harus memberikan lebih. Dan breast implants adalah solusi yang terpikir olehnya. 

  • Tori Spelling

Artis cantik yang beken lewat serial BEVERLY HILLS, 90210 ini memutuskan menambah volume boobsnya agar ia dapat tampil lebih menarik. Sayangnya dengan balutan tubuh kurusnya, ukuran boobs terlihat tak seimbang dengan tubuh. Tori kerap menutupinya dengan busana yang dikenakan. Dan dengan bantuan beberapa ahli, Tori diminta menaikkan berat badan. 

  • Vivica Fox

Adalah artis sekaligus produser film-film beken, seperti INDEPENDENCE DAY, SET IT OFF, SOUL FOOD, WHY DO FOOLS FALL IN LOVE, dan KILL BILL vOL. 1. Banyak film yang diproduserinya tayang dengan predikat sukses. Untuk eksis di dunia hiburan, penampilan haruslah menunjang. Dan menurut Vivica, boobs adalah bagian tubuh yang perlu dipermak agar penampilannya semakin sempurna. 

  • Lil' Kim

Dikenal sebagai penyanyi rapper yang juga bergabung dengan group Junior M.A.F.I.A. Menurut beberapa sumber, banyak bagian tubuh Lil' Kim yang disentuh operasi plastik, mulai hidung, alis, hingga bagian dada. Alhasil, beberapa orang hampir tak mengenali dirinya. Transformasi Lil' Kim ini bisa dibilang cukup drastis, namun profesi mengalahkan segalanya. 

  • Tara Reid

Masih ingat aktingnya di film AMERICAN PIE yang diluncurkan pada tahun 1999 silam? Wanita kelahiran New Jersey, 8 November 1975 ini ternyata sudah mengawali karir di dunia akting sejak usia 9 tahun. Perannya banyak diawali di drama-drama komedi, hingga menuntutnya ke peran-peran yang lebih menantang dan kebanyakan masih bergenre drama komedi.

Seperti dilansir celebritypicplastic, foto-foto Tara Reid sempat muncul di FHM dan Maxim, dengan ukuran dada yang lebih besar. Tak lama setelah itu blog dan web membicarakan usaha implant yang dinilai mengejutkan itu.

  • Heidi Montag

Siapa yang tak kenal model cantik dan penyanyi yang satu ini, Heidi Montag atau juga dikenal sebagai Heidi Pratt memiliki karir yang melejit setelah penampilannya sebagai presenter dalam reality show MTV, THE HILLS. Sejak itu karirnya di dunia hiburan terus naik, mulai dari dunia akting, tarik suara, hingga fashion. Bahkan Heidi mendesain sendiri sepasang bikini yang dipercantik dengan perhiasan senilai £20,000 (sekitar Rp277 juta lebih).

Seiring dengan kepopulerannya, celetukan dan komentar tentang penampilannya di dunia maya mengganggu pikiran Heidi. Banyak komentar negatif tentang penampilan yang sederhana itu. Bahkan, ada yang sempat menyebutnya ugly duck. Heidi kemudian melakukan perombakan besar-besaran pada tubuhnya. 10 operasi besar pada area tubuh dilakukannya hanya dalam 24 jam saja, termasuk penambahan volume payudara hingga cup F. Wew!

  • Britney Spears

Pelantun Oops! I Did It Again ini sempat menuai popularitas positif beberapa tahun lalu. Di awal kemunculannya, Britney banyak dipuja bahkan dinobatkan sebagai ikon selebriti yang menjaga virginitasnya di tengah pergaulan bebas. Kepopulerannya kemudian membuat Britney ingin menyempurnakan bentuk tubuhnya. Dengan breast implants dan beberapa sentuhan di bagian tubuh lainnya, ta da! Britney become more sexy.

Alasan presenter televisi dan pembawa acara kondang ini agak berbeda. Sejak remaja, ia menyadari bahwa payudaranya memiliki ukuran yang berbeda. Tak hanya karena tuntutan profesi saja, ia mengaku bahwa breast implants ini sebenarnya sudah ditekadinya sejak usia remaja. Alhasil, Becky memutuskan untuk menjalani operasi implan payudara. Lewat pergumulan batin yang luar biasa, akhirnya kedua payudara Becky menjadi simetris, dan kepercayaan dirinya pun meningkat.

  • Titi DJ

Bila kebanyakan wanita merombak payudara agar payudaranya lebih besar, penyanyi bersuara merdu ini justru melakukan perombakan untuk memperkecil ukuran payudaranya. Bagi Titi, hal ini justru mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari dan performanya di atas panggung. Titi kemudian melakukan breast reducing di rumah sakit khusus bedah plastik, Aibee, Ciawi, Puncak.

Malinda Dee alias Inong, sosok yang saat ini ramai dibicarakan media dan masyarakat. Tersangka kasus penipuan dana nasabah sebuah bank swasta ini menyita perhatian sebagian besar masyarakat. Terutama kemunculannya tanpa mengenakan baju tahanan saat diperiksa di Mabes Polri. Menurut Badan Reserse Kriminal Polri Komjen Ito Sumardi, Malinda memang tidak mengenakan baju tahanan karena tidak ada baju yang muat.

Dari informasi yang dihimpun, Malinda telah melakukan implan payudara di luar negeri beberapa waktu lalu. Implan ini dilakukan semata-mata demi profesi, yang menuntut penampilan menarik.

Perlu atau tidak, perombakan bagian tubuh dengan operasi plastik sebaiknya dikonsultasikan dengan dokter ahli. Dengan pertimbangan yang bijaksana, operasi plastik tentunya akan bermanfaat.

Dari mata, turun ke dada. Mungkin pernyataan inilah yang menginspirasi sebagian besar wanita untuk merombak bagian atas tubuhnya.

 Source :
10 Wanita Yang Merubah Payudara Demi Profesi