StumbleUpon allows you to add up to 200 friends to your contact list. For you this could mean 200 potential sales, not only initially, but also in the future. But make sure you don’t spam your contacts. Instead, think of them as associates. StumbleUpon offers an easy way for quick traffic-building. Just keep in mind that in order to make the most out of the site....
StumbleUpon - Your Website Traffic. Getting traffic for a new website can be difficult if you’re relying solely on search engines. This is because proper SEO requires a great deal of time and skill. And even then you still may not make it into the top 10 listings. So, what other alternatives are available? One of the best involves using StumbleUpon to generate traffic. Through this site webmasters can get their own following of visitors while boosting their Alexa rating.
So, what exactly is StumbleUpon and why is it so useful for generating traffic? Basically, StumbleUpon is a social networking site where members bookmark or ‘stumble’ sites that are interesting to them. Other members see what sites got ‘stumbled’ by using StumbleUpon’s special toolbar. As they are surfing through the stumbled sites, they can give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
To get your site in the StumbleUpon network, you will have to become a member and download their toolbar. From there, you will need to rate your sites. Make sure that index your sites in the appropriate category. Otherwise, your site might be seen as spam, and receive a ‘thumbs down’ by StumbleUpon visitors. Granted, you may get a few thumbs down even when you do things properly, but as long as your site is useful this shouldn’t happen too often.
Once your site is submitted, you should start receiving traffic. However, be aware that this type of traffic may not covert in a lot of sales, since the users are passive visitors. They are not actively looking for information, like they would be on a search engine. So, you will have to include an extra incentive to drive interest to your offer. Most Internet marketers do this through opt-in pages. Through these pages visitors provide their email address, (or other information), in return for a freebie. This freebie could be an e-book or even a physical product. For example, if you’re operating an e-commerce store, you could give away one of your cheaper products.
Anyway, with the information you obtain from the opt-in page, you could initiate email marketing or direct mail marketing. Through these forms of advertising, you establish more personal communication with your visitors. With this communication you increase the chances that you can acquire future sales.
Speaking of personal communication, you can use this same train-of-thought with StumbleUpon’s social aspect. How is this so? Well, StumbleUpon allows you to add up to 200 friends to your contact list. For you this could mean 200 potential sales, not only initially, but also in the future. But make sure you don’t spam your contacts. Instead, think of them as associates. Approach them in a friendly manner, like you would someone at work or school. Once a relationship has been established, you can let them know about your site.
In conclusion, StumbleUpon offers an easy way for quick traffic-building. Just keep in mind that in order to make the most out of the site, you should make use of opt-in pages, rather than directly pointing visitors to your offer. Also, don’t forget to make friends while you’re stumbling.
The 12 part E-course walks you through step by step on how to get the traffic coming to your site. This is traffic that you just put your time into, you don’t have to spend any money for it.
StumbleUpon - Your Website Traffic
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