500 Dollar Silver. The thing that scares me is this – when Silver is $500 an ounce how much will gold be? Right now, it’s $1,358 per ounce, but silver is less than $28 per ounce. You do the math So do you think that 500 dollar silver would ever be possible?
500 Dollar Silver? Could the prices of silver jump up to 500 dollars an ounce?
For those who don’t know how much silver prices usually run, Reuters Africa noted that analysts expect an ounce of silver to run $28 per ounce in 2011.
That being said, $500 silver seems out of place, doesn’t it?
The term “500 dollar silver” came in to play when it was discovered that JP Morgan has Naked Shorts on Silver – which is a form of counterfeiting. There’s a viral internet campaign to “crash” JP Morgan by purchasing large quantities of silver, and then demanding physical delivery.
This would force JP Morgan to have to purchase silver on the open market, and with demand from orders up, this would essentially cripple their balance sheet.
While shorting silver, JP Morgan bets that the value will DECLINE. However, this is a viral internet campaign, and it’s unlikely to actually happen. Before buying or selling any investment or hedge, be sure to talk to your financial advisor.
The thing that scares me is this – when Silver is $500 an ounce how much will gold be? Right now, it’s $1,358 per ounce, but silver is less than $28 per ounce. You do the math So do you think that 500 dollar silver would ever be possible?
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