Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Clone or Duplicate Friend’s Nickname in Chat Room Yahoo! Messenger

Long time ago, when I got a conversation in chat room, I face that my exactly nickname, talk without I type a sentence to the chat room. Then I realize that that my clone’s nickname not my username. That nickname belong to others person who copy or duplicate my nickname and chat with clone nickname. How it is work? How to make a clone likes that?

Finally, I found the answer. Username who clone my nickname has no nickname actually or has an empty nickname. I figure out this kind of nickname when I see the list of persons who join in the chat room.

They use a kind of HTML script to make a clone of username. When I try to figure out the script they used to clone, I found some interesting knowledge relating to this script. The script of cloning would not appear when we use unofficial chat client of yahoo messenger such as YahElite, Yam, Yazak and others. Actually, the script is simple and easy to use. Just copy and paste the script to the chat room with a little editing on it.

Click here to download Clone Script

You can try the clone script after you download this script at link below, but you have to remove your nickname or make your nickname disappear previously. How to remove or disappearing your nickname? Wait my article next time.


How to use it?
First Blanking your Nickname with Disappearing Nickname in Chat Room. Then go to chat room, the look of empty or blank your nickname in chat room will be like this:

Then Copy Paste the code of Clone nickname into chat Room. Just Click the picture below to see how to use clone nickname of Yahoo Messenger in Chat Room:

If you want to change the color of the text just replace black to red,or blue or else. Enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. that link expired..can you plzz provide us with the link once again ?
